Our first impression of Germany – Besuch der AustauschschülerInnen aus Lytham St. Annes

In der vorletzten Schulwoche fand nach mehr als drei Jahren endlich wieder der traditionelle Austausch mit der Lytham St. Annes High School statt. 12 SchülerInnen (in Begleitung von 2 LehrerInnen) besuchten ihre Austauschpartner in Werne und Umgebung, nahmen am Unterricht teil, unternahmen Ausflüge nach Köln und Münster.

Auch gemeinsame sportliche Aktivitäten kamen nicht zu kurz. Im September findet dann der Gegenbesuch unserer Gruppe vom GSC in Lytham statt, den alle schon gespannt erwarten.


Einige der englischen SchülerInnen haben kurze Texte über ihre Eindrücke bei uns verfasst.

"Our first impression of Germany was that it was hot and clean. I found it surprising that the food was basically the same as the food in England except there was a lot more meat and bread. The differences between Germany and England are that there are a lot more bikes and Dodgeball is different. Ours is way better. My favourite thing about Germany is the cities and the cathedrals. Our exchange partners were so nice and friendly." Eleanor, Milla


"My first impressions of Germany were that is has lots of sights to see and learn about and the food is quite different, but I like it better as it is more the food I like. I especially like the chips but they are quite common as a snack in Germany. I found the schools suprising and very different to schools in England as they aren’t as strict as the ones in England, they are calmer, and let you talk more often. I was also surprised about how people get around because it is more common to ride by a bike than anything else. Differences between the UK and Germany that I noticed first of were the roads and paths as they are switched around which is kind of confusing. Also, the cost of things are cheaper as Germany are not in a living crisis like the UK. Some of my favourite things about Germany were going out with all our friends and partners into town and doing activities. I also think my German has improved on this trip because we have been around people that can speak German so it has helped. Overall I enjoyed the exchange very much and hope to do it again.BrookeIt has been so fun in Germany! At the weekend we went to the gasometer, which is a 45-minute drive from Stockum/Werne (I’m living in Stockum) and we went shopping in one of the biggest shopping centres in Germany. The week was really fun when going to Solebad to going to Münster and Cologne. The cathedrals were so big and beautiful to look at and explore. On Thursday I had my first full day at the school, which was so fun because we had something called a project day, on this specific day we had a physics project to do. It was so fun meeting new people and interacting with them as there is a language barrier, this made me gain confidence in public speaking." Lilly, Vicky

- VERÖFFENTLICHT: 24. Juni 2023 -

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